Registration for Finland and Greece away now open

The registration period for our UEFA Nations League away fixtures against Finland and Greece are now open

Members of the 2024-2026 England Supporters Travel Club are invited to register their interest in our UEFA Nations League away fixtures against Finland and Greece if they are interested in attending either match.  The link to register can be found at the bottom of this update.

As always we endeavour to obtain as many tickets in our away allocations as possible.

Registration Windows

Finland v England: The registration window will close at 10am on Monday 2 September

Greece v England: The registration window will close at 10am on Tuesday 1 October

Ticket Details for Finland v England

Stadium: Helsinki Olympic Stadium
Stadium Capacity: Approx. 32,000 for this fixture
Date: 13/10/2024
Kick-off Time: 7pm local time
Category: 6
General Access: approx. 1,640
Wheelchair/Companion: 8/8
Easy Access/Companion: 20/20 (taken from our GA allocation)
Price: £42
Total: 1,648

The above details are subject to change.  Any updates will be communicated via email and the website.


Ticket Details for Greece v England

Stadium: TBC*
Stadium Capacity: TBC
Date: 14/11/2024
Kick-off Time: Currently advertised as 7.45pm local time via
Category: TBC
General Access: TBC**
Wheelchair/Companion: TBC
Easy Access/Companion: TBC
Price: £TBC***
Total: TBC

* Finland v Greece will take place at the Olympiakos stadium
** We have been informed that Finland received an allocation of approx. 1,600
*** We have been informed that Finland were charged 15 Euros per ticket

The above details are for your information only and we advise supporters not to book their travel/accommodation until we can officially confirm the above details.


Members will be able to register for themselves and for up to three other active Travel Club members (4 members in total) for each fixture.

When there is high traffic on the website the page can run slightly slower.  Please be patient after selecting to register/add or remove a group member.

Please note that only members of the 2024 to 2026 England Supporters Travel Club will be able to register for this match. If you are not yet a member, you can join here.

If you wish to join the membership so that you can register for this match, please be aware that it can take up to 24 hours for a membership to become active. 

During the registration process, you will be able to: 

– Add/remove members manually up until the deadline 

– Receive an email confirming your registration 

– Receive an additional email for every member you add to your group 

– View your and your group’s ballot results once they have been communicated 

Please be aware that you will need to be signed in to view the registration page. You will also need the FAN number and date of birth of any member you wish to register a ticket for. 

Once you have registered, you must wait for the page to reload. You will then be able to select ‘Add another FAN’. You can do this for up to three other members.  

Unregistering if you can no longer attend 

Should your circumstances change, and you can no longer attend the match, we kindly ask that you unregister yourself before the registration window closes.  This will allow other members, who can attend, a better chance in the ballot. 

You can remove yourself, or any of your guests from the ballot, by selecting the red X next to your name. 

If the lead booker can no longer attend, we suggest that the lead booker removes all members from their registration group and the other group members to then register again under a new lead. 

Wheelchair and Easy Access Registrations 

All members who require either seating type should register via the registration page.

If you require a wheelchair space and companion ticket, please be sure to tick the ‘wheelchair user’ box when registering your interest. 

If you need easy-access seating, you will not be required to select any additional box. A further form will be sent to all members who registered asking if any supporters require easy-access seating. This process is done manually as we understand seating requirements for members can change from game to game. 

Important Information 

A full update on ticket details and additional stadium entry requirements will be published shortly.


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