Kriti Sanon has once again set the internet abuzz with rumors about her alleged romance with Kabir Bahia. The speculation began when the actress was seen vacationing in Greece with Bahia, with pictures of the rumored couple enjoying each other’s company going viral. Now, Kriti has stirred further excitement by liking Bahia’s latest Instagram post, leaving fans eager to know more about their relationship.
Kabir recently took to Instagram to share a sun-kissed selfie from Greece. The photo captured him tilting his head and smiling brightly under the warm Greek sun, accompanied by a simple caption featuring a sun and an eyeglass emoji. Although the post was subtle, it caught the attention of many, especially Kriti Sanon’s eagle-eyed fans who noticed her quick reaction to the picture. The actress hit the like button, sparking a flurry of comments and speculation in the post’s comment section.
Fans were quick to tease Bahia, with many asking when the couple would make their relationship official. The excitement among fans has been soaring ever since the first pictures of Kriti and Kabir in Greece surfaced, fueling rumors of their budding romance.
Professionally, Kriti Sanon is busy with her upcoming projects. She will soon be seen in her maiden production venture, Do Patti, which co-stars Kajol, Tanvi Azmi, and Shaheer Sheikh. The film has already garnered attention, with Kriti stepping into the role of producer for the first time. Buzz suggests that Kriti will also be seen in Housefull 5.
As fans continue to watch for any more hints about Kriti and Kabir’s relationship, the actress’s recent social media activity has only added fuel to the fire, keeping the rumor mill buzzing with excitement.
Kabir recently took to Instagram to share a sun-kissed selfie from Greece. The photo captured him tilting his head and smiling brightly under the warm Greek sun, accompanied by a simple caption featuring a sun and an eyeglass emoji. Although the post was subtle, it caught the attention of many, especially Kriti Sanon’s eagle-eyed fans who noticed her quick reaction to the picture. The actress hit the like button, sparking a flurry of comments and speculation in the post’s comment section.
Fans were quick to tease Bahia, with many asking when the couple would make their relationship official. The excitement among fans has been soaring ever since the first pictures of Kriti and Kabir in Greece surfaced, fueling rumors of their budding romance.
Professionally, Kriti Sanon is busy with her upcoming projects. She will soon be seen in her maiden production venture, Do Patti, which co-stars Kajol, Tanvi Azmi, and Shaheer Sheikh. The film has already garnered attention, with Kriti stepping into the role of producer for the first time. Buzz suggests that Kriti will also be seen in Housefull 5.
As fans continue to watch for any more hints about Kriti and Kabir’s relationship, the actress’s recent social media activity has only added fuel to the fire, keeping the rumor mill buzzing with excitement.
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