Covenant Academy holds Greek and Roman Day for third grade students, families – 41NBC News

Covenant Academy held its Greek & Roman Day for its third grade students and families on Friday, and the schedule was packed from morning to evening.
Covenant Academy 3rd Grade Greek Roman Day April 26 2024
(Photo Credit: Godfrey Hall/41NBC)

MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Covenant Academy held its Greek & Roman Day for its third grade students and families on Friday, and the schedule was packed from morning to evening.

We got there during a music lesson taught by music teacher Catie Kopp and a Greek language lesson taught by Eric Freel one of the grandparents. This was followed by an outdoor Greek and Roman Market where students made everything from costumes, plates, other artwork, food and even coins, with the help of parents.

This is the school’s 22nd year doing this event. We spoke with third grade teacher Robin Gottlieb, who has been there since the beginning.

“There’s just a lot of things that we’ve studied and we bring it together in a fun day like this, with a marketplace shop, and they have classes in the morning, music, dance, Greek and mathematics,” Gottlieb said. “They put on an hour-long program for the parents, and it’s just a great time to remember what we’ve done all year.”

“We started it the first year I came,” Gottlieb continued. “It’s been a hit and we just love it. I had a graduate, an alumni, that was here yesterday, that came into the classroom and saw the Mycenaeans paper mache pots that we made, and she was talking about all the memories it brought back for her. So, yes, we’ve been doing that a long time here.”

Gottlieb says the event is part of the school’s Greek & Roman tradition and part of their classical method of teaching.

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