Greece “Best Family Destination” at the Wherever Awards

Ο αναπληρωτής προϊστάμενος της Υπηρεσίας ΕΟΤ Βόρ. Αμερικής, Γ. Πλεξουσάκης, παραλαμβάνει το ελληνικό βραβείο στα Wherever Awards 2024.

Greece remains a particularly popular destination for family holidays for American travellers, a fact confirmed by another important distinction that our country has won in the US market.

Specifically, for the second consecutive year, it won the “Best Family-Friendly MultiGen Destination” category at the seventh Wherever Awards, organized by the American publishing group FX Express Publications.

“Greece offers an incredible travel experience”

The top winners in the individual award categories are selected each time after a vote by readers of the online magazine, which is a parallel publication of Global Traveler magazine and specializes in family holidays, recommending a wide range of destinations, accommodation, tour operators and cruise lines around the world regardless of distance, mode of transport and cost.

According to the organisers’ announcement, the site’s readers chose Greece in this category as they “appreciated the country’s efforts to offer an incredible travel experience”.

The awards ceremony took place yesterday, 19 September, at The Lotos Club in New York, and the Greek award was received by the Deputy Head of the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO), Mr. America, Yannis Plexousakis.

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