‘Alpheus’ Journey’: a cultural triumph celebrating myths with music and storytelling

Greece’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty has been the source of celebration on ERT2, with the latest production, ‘Alpheus Journey’, bringing to life the ancient tale of the river god Alpheus and the nymph Arethusa through a blend of music and storytelling.

The production, with lyrics and text by Effie Panagolopoulou and music composed by Giorgos Voukanos, was originally performed at the port of Katakolo on 18 August and was aired on ERT2.

It is the latest work of the series “Mythical Melodies of the Rivers which has put a spotlight on Greece’s culture and natural beauty.

Giorgos Voukanos. Photo: Supplied

The production, directed by Christos Fassois, was praised for its artistic depth with a notable highlight being the orchestral performance by ERT‘s Contemporary Music Orchestra as conducted by Giorgos Aravidis.

It featured vocal performances by soprano Ada Athanasopoulou and tenor Giannis Christopoulos.

The work was narrated by actor Leonidas Kakouris, with Vasilis Michas portraying Alpheus and Chrisa Roma playing Arethusa.

Picture taken from the production. Photo: Suppied

The event also featured ancient Greek instruments, played by the group Lyravlos, which added to the historical atmosphere.

This production, performed during the opening of the 1st International Festival of Ancient Feia in June 2022, emphasised the region’s cultural significance and was broadcast internationally on ERT WORLD.

Effie Panagopoulou’s vision of showcasing Greek mythology tales related to Greek rivers continues with upcoming performances, including “In the Waters of Pineios,” following the success of “In the Waters of Ilissos,” by Camerata Junior which took place in September in Pedion Areos.

Effie Panagopoulou. Photo: Supplied

Effie Panagopoulou, with ANTHOS MCE, is working to highlight Greece’s natural landscapes and mythology through her creative activities, creating a bridge between tradition and contemporary art.

The broadcast on ERT2 provided a wide audience the opportunity to experience this cultural gem, further establishing the region as a centre for artistic creation.

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