A Cultural Visionary at the Helm of AKTINA Productions, Inc.

In the heart of the New York Tri-State area, the cultural landscape is enriched by the dedicated efforts of Elena Maroulleti, a trailblazing figure with a profound impact on the Greek and Greek Cypriot community.

With a career spanning nearly five decades, Maroulleti has been a driving force in promoting and preserving the cultural heritage of Cyprus and Greece in North America.

Born in Famagusta, Cyprus, she endured the hardships of the 1974 Turkish invasion, an experience that would shape her commitment to cultural advocacy and community service.

At the forefront of this cultural endeavor stands AKTINA Productions, Inc., a renowned non-profit organization founded and established in 1993 under Maroulleti’s visionary leadership.

As President of AKTINA, Maroulleti has steered the organization towards its mission of promoting and preserving all aspects of the rich heritage and culture of Cyprus and Greece. AKTINA Productions, Inc. operates as a tax-exempt entity under 501(c)3 status, dedicated to serving Greek and Greek Cypriot Americans of all generations and the broader public.

Central to AKTINA’s initiatives are its media assets, AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV, both established as non-profit and commercial-free outlets by Maroulleti. Since its inception in May 1993, AKTINA FM has been a groundbreaking radio station, providing informative and entertaining content to the community.

Complementing this, AKTINA TV, established in April 2002, extends the reach of cultural programming through television broadcasts, further promoting the Hellenic identity, culture, and folklore in America.

Supported by public donations, underwriting from companies and businesses, and partial funding from local New York City government agencies, AKTINA Productions, Inc. has been able to sustain its mission-driven activities. The organization’s focus on cultural programs, news coverage, information dissemination, and entertainment offerings is aimed at enhancing civic and cultural relations among diverse communities in New York City and beyond.

Through AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV, Elena Maroulleti and her team have created platforms that inform, enlighten, inspire, and entertain audiences. These media outlets cover a wide range of topics, from the Greek and Greek Cypriot American community to national issues of Greece and Cyprus, as well as matters of public interest in the United States.

In the following interview, Elena Maroulleti shares with us insights into her traumatic experiences during the Turkish invasion, her illustrious career in the United States, and the enduring impact of AKTINA Productions, Inc. on the cultural fabric of the community it serves. Stay tuned for an in-depth conversation with a cultural visionary dedicated to bridging cultural divides and celebrating the enduring legacy of Cyprus and Greece in America.

Can you share with us your personal journey and the experiences that led you to become a prominent figure in promoting and preserving the cultural heritage of Cyprus and Greece in North America?
This journey started not long after my arrival in the United States in late 1976 and after settling in Astoria, New York, the home of the largest Greek American community in the USA and outside of Greece. What prompted me to launch my cultural activities promoting Cyprus was the tragic experience I had endured two years earlier, when I was forcibly uprooted from my homeland after turkey invaded and took over some 37% of the island’s northern part which includes my beloved hometown Famagusta, commonly known as “Varoshia.”

Sadly enough, following its invasion, Turkey, apart from forcibly expelling all Greek Cypriots from their homes and lands in the occupied north, its military also proceeded in a systematic effort of destroying, erasing and altering anything and everything relating to the Greek character of the occupied areas. Ancient cultural monuments and churches of immense historical value, after being looted, suffered incredible destruction while many churches were turned into barns, Holiday Inns and others into mosques.

All names of villages and towns, including all street names have been changed into Turkish ones. Even the resting places of Greek Cypriots were not spared as cemeteries have been completely desecrated and vandalized. This destruction which occurred in 1974 is still very vivid today to any visitor. Unfortunately, Greek Cypriots like me, who come from the Turkish occupied north, cannot even recognize that part of the island anymore, as its Greek character along with our memories have been completely erased.

Upon my arrival in New York, I wanted to do something to bring awareness about this tragedy and injustice. I felt that the best way to achieve this is through the promotion among Americans of our rich history and culture and of the negative effects the continued illegal Turkish occupation imposes upon them, especially if Turkey at any time decides to take over the rest of the island to satisfy its expansionist plans. At the same, my goal was preserve the Cyprus cultural inheritance among Greek and Greek Cypriot Americans and especially those from the new generations.

Initially, I searched within the Greek and Greek Cypriot American community to find a suitable organization involved with the promotion of the Cyprus culture so that I can volunteer my services, however none existed. In this respect, I set the goal to close this gap. Utilizing my experience and knowledge on the folk dances and music of Cyprus and Greece, in early 1977 the first of its kind, “Greek Cultural & Folk Dancing Group The Vraka” was founded with a mission to promote and preserve the rich cultures and folklore of Cyprus and Greece with the presentation of traditional dances, music and other related folk arts programs.

All events and activities targeted Greek and Greek Cypriot Americans of all generations and the general public. In this respect, all presentations were offered bilingual. The organization was fully incorporated in 1982 with non-profit and 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status with me leading it as President, a position which I continue to hold to this day on a purely non-salaried volunteer basis just like the rest of our Board members. Since its inception the organization has also been supported with other dedicated volunteers while it compensates all professional artists who are hired to participate in its various live cultural programs and concerts.

In the late 1980’s as the organization expanded its cultural activities with the introduction and establishment of modern and ancient Greek theater, literary arts and storytelling among other, I felt that it was necessary to change its name to one that better represents its broader multi-cultural programs. In 1990, the organization was officially renamed CYPRECO of America, Inc. “CYPRECO” stands for “Cypriot Emigrants Cultural Organization.”

Since its founding, CYPRECO has been serving with distinction its mission of preserving and promoting the different aspects of the history, culture and folklore of Cyprus and Greece in America. Over the years, apart from its own unique multi-faceted cultural productions, CYPRECO has also represented Cyprus and Greece in many international events and festivals within and outside the Tri-State area of New York.

Most notable performances include our re-enactments of the Cyprus traditional wedding during international festivals and events among them, those which took place from July 3 to July 6, 1986 at the Statue Liberty during the “Liberty Island Bicentennial Celebrations.” CYPRECO, also pride itself for being the first ever Greek American organization to introduce and present ancient Greek plays in English in the mid-1990’s through the late 2005 throughout New York City and Off-Broadway. Its 2004 production of the Greek tragedy “Bacchae, was nominated for four different awards by the “Spotlight On Theater,” while our CYPRECO’s costume designer, the late Lucy Maroulleti was awarded First Prize for “outstanding costume design.” The activities of CYPRECO are supported with partial funding from New York City and State agencies, foundation grants and direct public donations.

Just as I founded CYPRECO to fill in the gap which existed in relation to the promotion of the cultures of Cyprus and Greece, in early 1993 I founded AKTINA Productions, Inc., to fill in another cap that also existed within the Greek American community…. The lack of having any broadcast media that could address the needs of the new generations of Greek and G/Cypriot Americans whose first language is English and some of whom, I may add, without any ties with Cyprus and Greece. All existing community media (broadcast and print) at the time were exclusively available in the Greek language. The Greek language barrier also prevented the existing Greek American media to reach the wider non-Greek speaking American public.

As a first step, I took the bold decision to introduce and establish the first and true bilingual Greek American Radio known as AKTINA FM, a decision which not regarded as wise by several members of the established G/American media who had stated at the time that I will fail and the show will not last in a bilingual format. Certainly I have proven them wrong.

Years later, these same critics followed in my footsteps and also introduced bilingual sections in their publications and broadcasts. Some even hailed me as the one who “paved the way” how to effectively reach the new generations of Greek Americans.
AKTINA FM was launched on New York’s public station WNYE-91.5FM on May 3, 1993.

Seeing further into the future as the Internet started to expand its opportunities with online streaming, that same year I also set the wheels in motion to start a radio station online which was launched in early 1994 initially under the name, “AKTINA FM.NET,” to emphasize that it was our online station and to distinguish it from “AKTINA FM” airing on 91.5FM. In 2007 however, it was changed to AKTINA FM. As the radio was rising in popularity online and on 91.5FM, I decided that the best way to expand the radio’s name-brand “AKTINA FM,” was to use the same name for our online radio station.

I am proud to note that our online radio station is the 2nd to emerge in the world. As an expansion of our broadcast endeavors, on April 7, 2002, I also founded and established AKTINA TV on WNYE’s sister-station, Channel 25, as the first ever Greek American television show broadcasting exclusively in English.

To its credit, AKTINA TV is the only Greek American TV show available for free and without any subscription on a local New York City channel while it is also offered for free by all local cable and satellite providers that service the Tri-State area and beyond.

I may add that, the launching of AKTINA FM had set the basis for a very meaningful and productive collaboration between AKTINA and CYPRECO. This collaboration further benefits their respective wide and diverse audiences as the two non-profits work together in radio and television productions and live performances. CYPRECO co-sponsors and delivers within the broadcasts of AKTINA FM unique cultural programs pertaining to Cyprus and Greece including the celebrated series, “Cyprus Horizons.” Since 2020, CYPRECO also delivers similar cultural programs on AKTINA TV for the established series, “Cyprus Its History and Culture Through the Ages” and “Greek Horizons.”

In addition, AKTINA and CYPRECO have thus far co-sponsored and presented seven concerts from AKTINA’s acclaimed series, “Greek Music Journey” (GMJ) which I introduced in 1994 and fully established in 1997. This unique collaboration with AKTINA Productions, Inc., and its media assets, AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV, has supported CYPRECO to further expand its audience as well as its cultural presence locally, nationwide and globally as it taps in to the millions of listeners and viewers of AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV.

As the President of AKTINA Productions, Inc., can you elaborate on the organization’s mission and how it ACHIEVES to strengthen cultural bonds within the Greek and Greek Cypriot American community and beyond?

The mission of AKTINA Productions, Inc., is to promote the Greek and Cypriot culture, heritage, arts, folklore, language, crafts and in general the Greek and Cypriot culture and engage in these areas all generations of Greek and Greek Cypriot Americans and all Americans in the United States as well as audiences worldwide.

The organization pursues this mission with the production and presentation of Radio and Television programs, shows, plays, motion pictures, video and audio, concerts, music and other related cultural activities. AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV owned and operated by AKTINA Productions, Inc., have been our organization’s “flagship” assets that serve this mission with distinction since their founding with the delivery of unique programming content which attracts a wide and diverse audience in the United States and globally.

As far as to the question, how the organization achieves to strengthen cultural bonds within the Greek and Greek Cypriot American community and beyond, this is being accomplished by utilizing the English language in the broadcasts of AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV as well as in all other cultural activities of the organization. Their unique language format makes them inclusive to all and not “exclusive” to just one particular group of people.

We support Greek and Greek Cypriot Americans who were born in America and whose first language is English to preserve their cultural inheritance, even learn Greek with our bilingual-language format and at the same time, we aso help our wide non-Greek audiences to understand and appreciate our culture. As I have always publicly stated, “when people understand each other’s culture they can tolerate each other better, thus we create a much more harmonious co-existing society.”

Other important outreach media sources and worthy activities which further support all of the aforementioned include, the AKTINA TV Youtube Channel and out acclaimed concert series, “Greek Music Journey.” (“GMJ.”) The AKTINA TV YouTube Channel is a popular social media outreach asset that serves well the expansion of our cultural mission in the USA and globally.

Presently, we have almost seven thousand subscribers who continue to grow and views of our posted videos in the millions. As far as “Greek Music Journey,” when the series was initially introduced, we mostly featured concerts with Greek American singers and musicians with the most notable performance being that given on March 7, 1999 at Manhattan’s prestigious Alice Tully Concert Hall at Lincoln Center.

This concert featured some 34 performers consisting of singers, musicians and dancers and it covered the representative aspects of the traditional folk music Greece and Cyprus starting from the Byzantine music to popular folk, while it also featured traditional folk dances. Since 2006, GMJ has been featuring exclusively renowned singers with their orchestras from Greece at landmark theaters in New York City such as the Town Hall and the Kaye Playhouse. Each concert has a different theme to cover the diverse representative aspects of Greek music. In their majority, all GMJ concerts were sold-out.

The many distinctions, Proclamations and Congressional Records awarded to AKTINA Productions, Inc., over the years by American elected officials on the local and national level, which recognize and celebrate its accomplishments, verify the importance of our mission and of our true commitment of providing unique and desired activities. Furthermore, how much AKTINA is valued within the American society as a representative organization that serves with distinction the cultures of Cyprus and Greece for the benefit of Greek and G/Cypriots Americans and Americans alike.

Since their establishment, AKTINA FM in 1993 and AKTINA TV in 2002, HAVE managed to become important media platforms for the promotion and preservation of the Hellenic identity, culture, and folklore in America, CAN YOU FURTHER ELABORATE ON THEIR MISSION and how they contribute to the enhancement of civic and cultural relations among diverse communities in New York City and beyond?

The core mission of AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV is to promote and enhance the knowledge about Hellenic culture, about Greece and Cyprus, to support Greek and G/Cypriot Americans preserve their ancestral roots and culture, to provide unique entertainment and vital news and information of interest to Greek and non-Greek listeners and viewers in America and worldwide.

AKTINA FM pursues its mission of reaching American and worldwide audiences with the delivery of unique programs available for free online every day 24/7. AKTINA FM streams simultaneously across our owned and operated websites and it is also available on all smart speakers and apps including Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home, Apple Siri and on a myriad of other online platforms that have our permission to stream our online radio station.

AKTINA TV pursues the same mission with the delivery of its own unique programs on WNYE-CH. 25 and on its YouTube Channel where much of the content which initially airs on Channel 25 is thereafter posted on this social media source. Such content includes our TV news and information segments, our self-produced cultural mini-documentaries, our musical performances from the series “Greek Music Journey,” our special reports and other related film and video productions.

By making these programs available on the AKTINA TV YouTube Channel, we are able to further promote our mission and expand our presence globally.

By employing an innovating bilingual-language format within the broadcasts of AKTINA FM and an English-language format on AKTINA TV that includes English sub-titles whenever Greek is spoken as well as close captioning, we successfully expand the opportunities for wider audience participation and interaction.

Our vision of keeping AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV as essential and independent sources of news and cultural programming, is achieved by creating and delivering content which, informs, inspires, enlightens, connects and entertains their listeners and viewers, enriches their knowledge and provides better understanding about the Hellenic culture and about Greece and Cyprus.

Furthermore, our programming content supports Greek and G/Cypriot Americans preserve their cultural inheritance and strengthen their bonds with their ancestral roots.

All programming content delivered on AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV is prepared with much thought and care, while each topic is fully researched for accuracy by utilizing all available means including AKTINA’s vast Library. Our Library is enriched with a wide variety of books, encyclopedias, literature, journals and prominent studies pertaining to the history, culture and folklore of Greece and Cyprus.

Much of my personal research which I have conducted and collected over the years is also used. My research stems from my ongoing trips to Cyprus and Greece where I collect and record vital historical and cultural information. Over the years I have visited and filmed countless ancient cultural sites for the preparation of our cultural mini-documentaries while at the same time, I have also conducted and countless interviews with prominent personalities, folklorists, Greek stars including many from the older generations who have shared with me their knowledge the history, folklore, songs, music and dances of Cyprus and Greece.

With integrity and respect towards the wide and diverse audience they sere, AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV further pursue their mission of being vital media platforms of culture and information by always striving to preserve and further strengthen the trust and respect they have earned over the years from their listeners and viewers. They achieve this by always producing new and desired programming content of “Culture, Enlightenment and Entertainment.”

The unprecedented success of AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV is attributed to both their language formats and to the unique programs they deliver. For over 30 years, thousands of new generations of Greek and Greek Cypriot Americans and members of the general audience grew up listening to AKTINA FM and for over 22 years thousands more from the same demographics grew up watching AKTINA TV. AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV have become important household names for millions of listeners and viewers in New York City alone while their strong presence on the Internet has also made them very recognizable for millions more nationally and worldwide.

AKTINA FM reaches online 1M listeners in the Tri-State area of New York and some 2M nationwide in the USA and globally. AKTINA TV on WNYE-CH. 25 reaches over 1M viewers in NY Metropolitan area and beyond.

AKTINA FM prides itself for being the first ever Greek American Radio to be honored by the City of New York and the NYC Council with a Street co-naming. On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, on October 26, 2018, the intersection of 27th Street and 23rd Avenue in Astoria, New York where the station was founded was officially co-named “AKTINA FM Way” during a special ceremony.

“The legislation for the Street co-naming initiated by NYC Council Member Costa Constantinides, was voted unanimously in the NYC Council and was enacted into Law 2018/139 on July 29, 2018. This achievement makes me feel exceptionally honored and proud as it further verifies the important contributions of our Radio station as well of AKTINA Productions, Inc., that owns and operates AKTINA FM.

The year 2018 also commemorated the 25th anniversary of AKTINA Productions, Inc., and the City of New York along with the New York City Council, in a separate celebration held on April 11, 2018 at the New York City Council Chambers in the presence of other NYC elected officials, honored AKTINA Productions, Inc., with a Proclamation which recognizes and celebrates AKTINA’s “outstanding service and contributions to Greek and Cypriot residents through the five boroughs and beyond.”

Furthermore, the same Proclamation recognizes, celebrates and outlines the several important activities of AKTINA Productions, Inc., that include the establishment of AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV and the acclaimed concert series, “Greek Music Journey” (GMJ). In addition, the Proclamation recognizes and celebrates my personal contributions as the President and founder of AKTINA, as well as the founder and Executive Producer/Host of AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV.

Can you talk about some of AKTINA’s online services which you consider most important?
We greatly value everyone who visits and uses our websites to listen to the daily 24/7 streaming of AKTINA FM and thus, we always aim in making everyone’s visiting experience pleasant, fun, accommodative, smooth and safe. We try to keep all of our websites secure and the Security Symbol is visible on the top left of our URLs (website address). None of our websites use cookies and we offer user-friendly web technologies, including “Screen Reader.”

This is a very assistive technology with text-to-speech, text zooming and sound which is essential to people who are blind, as well as very useful to people who are visually impaired. We continue to enhance our products, services and at the same time expand even further our Radio Station’s visibility.

We also continue to add new content about the cultures of Greece and Cyprus, introduce new artists and always expand our non-stop music entertainment with additional listening hours which of course include all new releases in Greek music. Recently, we have enriched our streaming services with new necessary features to preserve them compatible with all new available technologies. Presently, we are also preparing a new look for all of our websites which will feature even more new usage technologies and features.

Since 2023, our Radio Station’s name, “AKTINA FM,” our slogan, “AKTINA FM THE SMART CHOICE!” and the AKTINA FM logo are approved registered Trademarks in the USA, Greece and all of Europe. The names and logos of AKTINA Productions and AKTINA TV are also being registered as Trademarks.

To further protect and secure the name, “AKTINA FM,” in 2023 we have purchased additional domains increasing the number of our owned and operated websites for our Radio Station from 13 to 21. Our new purchases include “Exclusive International TLDS” domain registrations for AKTINA FM in the U.S.A., Greece and Cyprus.

These domains which are only available to recognized and prominent entities and organizations are vital because they are exclusively registered in specific countries, while registration further verifies that their owner is a well-established and recognized entity or organization thus, trustworthy to own these registrations. We feel that this is a very important accomplishment because it verifies the importance and good standing of our organization internationally and that same time, it helps us protect the name-brand of AKTINA FM in the countries our domains are registered.

I also wish to stress that, to make sure that the streaming of AKTINA FM is never interrupted and our domains and websites run smoothly without any “hiccups,” we operate from our own five servers. Three servers stream the radio at five different qualities which include, two with high-bit rate for listeners with unlimited bandwidth and data, two with low-bit rate for listeners with limited Internet bandwidth or limited cellular data and one with the assistive quality that supports listeners who experience Internet access problems that may include a problematic connection.

The other two servers maintain our domains and websites and also stream our Radio Station. In the unlikely event that one server is down temporarily for maintenance and updates, the streaming of AKTINA FM remains on the air uninterrupted on the other server and the same applies for our domains and websites.

You have been presiding over two non-profits and at the same time you have been organizing their various cultural activities that include producing and hosting AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV on a purely volunteer non-salaried basis. You have been doing so while you held full-time jobs in other American companies with ABC News being the most notable. How difficult was it for you to tackle and combine your cultural endeavors with your full time jobs?

As I valued all of my cultural activities, in the same manner I also valued my professional career at the various companies I worked for. I may also add that my employment in key positions at very important American companies such as, at the retirement insurance company TIAA-CREF from 1976 to 1978 and at ABC from 1979 to 2001 provided me with much additional knowledge and resources in many areas which further supported my volunteer work. While employed at these two companies, I was fully dedicated to my job in the various positions I held and my hard work was rewarded with many promotions that help me rise to Supervisor level.

My years of employment at ABC News however, were most fascinating for me. I worked in support for all news divisions of the Network that included at the time the acclaimed shows, “World News Tonight,” “Nightline,” “The Barbara Walters Specials,” “20/20” and “Good Morning America” among other.

Working and meeting the news anchors of these programs such as Peter Jennings, Barbara Walters, Sam Donaldson, Frank Reynolds just to mention a few, all of whom are considered icons in the American news industry, was equally fascinating and also a very rewarding learning experience for me. I must note that, working for ABC News has helped me pursue all of my entrepreneurial aspirations in journalism, radio and television broadcasting.

The company gave me the opportunity to work for its news divisions but more importantly, prior to that, since my College education was in Business Administration, ABC offered me a scholarship so that I can study and have the necessary educational background that would help me apply and enter in its News Division since my initial position at ABC was in administration. In the early 1980’s I enrolled and attended evening courses at New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) where I studied, “Journalism, TV/Radio Productions, Advertising and Promotion.

As to your question how difficult was it for me to tackle and combine my cultural activities with my full time jobs, I would also add my endeavor to pursue additional College education.

As I mentioned earlier, I was equally devoted to my cultural activities and to my full-time jobs in order to be successful and productive. To achieve my cultural endeavors, I utilized all of my free time including all of my weekends while four of my evenings were devoted to my college studies.

I may add that my employer ABC, was very supportive as well including all of my superiors, especially when I launched AKTINA FM as a weekend show. Although some of my positions required me to work on weekends, my superiors knowing that I was volunteering for the production and hosting of AKTINA FM always gave me the courtesy of not scheduling me on weekends.

Furthermore, ABC supported CYPRECO’s theatrical productions with in-kind donations such as scenery and other necessary materials. Furthermore, in the News Magazine distributed to all its employees across the nation, ABC included several articles praising me as a valuable employee who volunteers her time for two non-profits (AKTINA and CYPRECO) for the production of cultural activities pertaining to Cyprus and Greece including the broadcasting of AKTINA FM.

My employment at ABC News ended five years after Disney merged with Capital Cities/ABC when sadly enough many layoffs started to take place and many positions were completely eliminated due to severe cut backs. In mid-2001 while working as Supervisor for one of the divisions of Good Morning, I happened to be one those employees affected by the layoffs. This development although devastating for me at the time, it turned out to be a “blessing in disguise” because having more free time it paved the way for me to launch AKTINA TV in early 2002. Since then, I work full-time and still as a non-salaried volunteer for both AKTINA and CYPRECO.

I must confess that, holding full-time jobs and simultaneously undertaking so many activities was quite challenging. However, I love challenges as they make me more determined to reach my goals and objectives. Nonetheless, I never undertake a task unless I am 100% sure that I can fully deliver it and without any discounts.

I always strive to be very professional in all of my endeavors, so I always plan way ahead in order to have the necessary time to prepare and also to overcome any unforeseen problems or obstacles that may come along. This has been my recipe all these years and it has served me well and productively.

I consider my volunteer work as “labor of love” for my beloved Cyprus and Greece whose rich cultures inspire me immensely to give back by sharing my knowledge and professional experience I have accumulated so that Greek and G/Cypriot Americans keep in touch with their cultural inheritance and that the general public remains informed and enlightened on Cyprus and Greece.

LASTLY, apart from its volunteers who donate their services, can you discuss the financial sources that support and facilitate the cultural initiatives of aktina productions, inc.?

Being an established non-profit and tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, AKTINA may seek public donations that include grants from various companies and businesses which have in place “charitable giving programs,” Underwriters, in-kind support and donations, as well as funding from City and State agencies which provide partial funding to local non-profits in support of their cultural activities for the benefit of the audience they serve.

When AKTINA FM was broadcasting on 91.5FM, with the approval of the station’s management we were holding two annual on-air membership-drive fundraisers for three weekends each May and October. All donations from our listeners were turned over to WNYE and were applied towards our lease time.

Presently, during the broadcasts of AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV, we invite our listeners and viewers in a non-commercial-manner to support our media assets by renewing their support or to join our big family of supporters and they happily respond with their tax-exempt donations.

We feel exceptionally honored for all the aforementioned support we have been receiving over the years which has helped us to preserve and continue our mission of providing our multi-faceted cultural endeavors that include the broadcasting of our commercial-free media assets, AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV. We consider this support invaluable and a true testament how much our work is appreciated, respected and recognized.

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