“Divorce Bomb” After 15 Years For Christos Mastoras

The band Melisses with vocalist Christos Mastoras and Giannis Koutrakis are ending their collaboration, after 15 years of working together, according to reliable information from TLIFE.

The manager, who took over the popular group in 2009 – before they took their first steps in the music industry and later became well-known with the song “Kryfa” – and significantly contributed to their success, is no longer their “shadow”.

“Divorce bomb” after 15 years for Christos Mastoras 1

The “divorce” between the two parties is amicable, and despite the end, the two sides continue to have mutual love.

“I want to emphasize the important role played in the success of the band by our manager, Giannis Koutrakis, who acted as an umbrella, protected us and said the ‘no’s that we couldn’t say. Also, Giannis was the person who always found solutions for us. Fortunately, he came into our path very soon and since then we have been inseparable. My advice for young people reading this interview who want to get involved in music is that in addition to the talent that will drive them forward, they need to have the right people beside them to manage their talent,” said Christos Mastoras in an interview with PEOPLE magazine in 2019 about Giannis Koutrakis.

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