Greece’s 52nd Book Festival Kicks Off Today At Pedion Tou Areos

The highly anticipated 52nd Book Festival begins today, September 6, at Pedion tou Areos, offering a literary celebration for book lovers and newcomers alike.

Organised by the Association of Book Publishers (S.E.C.B.), this year’s festival features 200 publishing houses, 280 stands, and over 200 cultural events, including concerts, theatre performances, and interactive educational activities.

book2Running until September 22, the festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture, the Municipality of Athens, the Region of Attica, and other cultural organisations. Attendees will enjoy a rich variety of events, such as the children’s play The Legend of Mulan, shadow puppet theatre, musical performances by student ensembles, and a special concert featuring Mario Strophalis, Martha Moreleon, and Irini Toubaki.


This year’s festival focuses on “Youth and Reading,” aiming to engage younger generations in important topics like human rights, environmental awareness, and technology. The festival poster and catalogue feature artwork by renowned Greek artist Leonidas Giannakopoulos.

The festival is free to the public and open daily, with special evening hours and weekend programming. The official opening ceremony will take place on Saturday, September 7, at 8:00 PM.

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