Fraternity rush starts now – Northern Star

EDITOR’S NOTE: This video is part 1 in a series about Greek Life. We will cover the Panhellenic, Divine 9 and Multicultural Greek Councils. 

Greek Life is a staple of student involvement at most colleges, and NIU is no exception. Arguably the most important or influential part of the semester for those in or interested in joining a fraternity is right at the beginning: Rush.

For the IFC fraternities, rush, or the recruitment process for fraternities, began on Monday, the first day of classes. 

Rush includes events hosted by each fraternity where those who attend can get to know members of each chapter and discover if they want to join.

“Go to as many events as possible,” said Anthony Hanna, a junior political science major and member of Delta Chi. “I think that’s the real major benefit, especially with all these different fraternities having different vibes to them, it’s really getting a feel for which fraternity you believe you belong with the best, rather than just the first one or the last one you visit.”

To find information about rush events and start getting involved with Greek Life, you can check out the individual fraternities or Interfraternity Council’s social media pages.

“The NIU IFC page is definitely a great place to get started. Just kind of meet the guys in a little bit more relaxed setting,” said Matthew Klawitter, a senior marketing major and member of Phi Kappa Theta.

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