Celebrating the music of Greece, local act Estudiantina of Melbourne – will take you on a musical journey like no other.
With a profound appreciation for the diverse influences that shape Smyrneika, ranging from Greek and Turkish to Jewish and Armenian, the ensemble creates a mesmerising fusion that breathes new life into this age-old genre.
Their music, adorned with instruments like the oud, bouzouki, violin, kanun, and guitar, resonates with an authenticity that captivates audiences. Through the harmonious interplay of instruments such as the bouzouki, baglama, and accordion, Estudiantina of Melbourne crafts a soundscape that pays homage to the rich cultural heritage of Greece.
When: Sunday March 16, 3pm
Where: Sooki Lounge, 1648 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave 3160
Themistoklis Sofoulis – The man who could have saved Greece from the Civil War.
Dean Kalimniou will be hosting a seminar on the former Greek prime minister.
Sofoulis, often forgotten in the modern era, was a renaissance man, archaeologist and social activist.
He was not only behind the union of Samos with Greece, but also an advocate of democracy, playing pivotal roles in the development of Greece during WWI, the national schism, the aftermath of the Asian minor catastrophe, the Metaxas dictatorship and the aftermath of the German occupation.
The three-time prime minister of Greece is described as ’emollient, collegial and measured’, always willing to include all sides of politics in the national conversation.
Had he been listened to, chances are the civil war never would have taken place or at least would have ended quickly.
He had a vision of a democratic progressive and inclusive society that is now a forgotten and unattained dream.
This free seminar will explore his life while also analysing the obstacles that laid in his path.
When: Thursday March 20, 7pm
Where: Greek Centre – Mezzanine, 168 Lonsdale St, Melbourne
The Melbourne International Comedy Festival is one of the three largest comedy festivals in the world.
An annual event, the festival literally takes over Australia’s comedy capital, Melbourne, each autumn with an enormous program of stand-up, cabaret, theatre, street performance and more. Meanwhile, Australia’s largest arts festival is once again pitching its tent at the Greek Centre as the Melbourne International Comedy Festival hits town.
As always, there will be plenty of Greek comedians to enjoy. Mary Coustas (This Is Personal), George Zacharopoulos (2025 Greek Comedian Of The Year: The Butterfly Effect), Elouise Eftos (Australia’s First Attractive Comedian), Chris Demos (Actually Kinda Hot), Charisa Bossinakis & Alex Keen (Should We Just Take Half Each?).
When & Where: March 26 to April 20, Various venues across Melbourne
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A night of music, dancing, feasting, and plate smashing. With entertainment by Greek Band Aetos and Belly Dancer, it’s the ultimate Greek celebration.
Enjoy a Greek feast, sing, dance, smash a few plates and say “OPA!”
$80 per person (Includes dinner & entertainment). Full payment required when booking.
When: Friday March 28, 7.30pm
Where: Eleni’s Kitchen + Bar, 28 Anderson St, Yarraville 3013
Bookings:, call (03) 9943 4233 and quote GREEK TAVERN NIGHT
What relevance is there for modern liberal democracies from the ancient Athenian experiment?
Anthe Philippides, former judge of the Queensland Supreme Court will deliver the lecture by examining ancient Athenian democracy and asking difficult questions of what and how we in the modern world may learn.
Athenian democracy required a power sharing model that was revolutionary for its times. It is a different model from that of present-day democracies.
How did it evolve and what were the context and background to its evolution?
What were the core values of Athenian democracy and how are they to be understood?
Do those values have a relevance for modern democracies and why has Athenian democracy been a source of inspiration over the centuries to those considering modes of governance?
Light refreshments will be served after the public lecture.
When: Tuesday March 18, 6pm
Where: Pavilion, Chau Chak Wing Museum, University Place, Camperdown 2050
Public Lecture presented by The Hon Ioannis Mallikourtis, Consul General of Greece and Professor Vrasidas Karalis.
In July 1974, a momentous political shift took place in Greece, due to the Cyprus catastrophe, after the Turkish invasion. The Dictatorship collapsed and through certain ingenious political manoeuvres the third Hellenic Republic was announced after the return from Paris of the exiled former prime minister Constantine Karamanlis.
Despite many problems, financial, social and political however the young republic gained strength and consolidated itself over the last fifty years, the most peaceful and stable decades in the history of the Greek nation-state.
The lecture explores precisely what happened during the last fifty years and why democracy was established after so many upheavals in the land where its was born. It also explores the central personalities that defined its trajectory, their policies and aspirations and finally attempts and interpretation of the factors.
When: Thursday March 27, 6.30pm-8pm
Where: The Barnet Long Room, Customs House, 31 Alfred Street, Sydney 2000
Estudiantina of Melbourne presents this celebration of two of Greece’s most legendary musical icons.
Experience the timeless melodies and heart-stirring lyrics that have defined Greek music for generations.
With Tsitsanis’s masterful bouzouki and Bellou’s unforgettable voice, this tribute brings their songs to life with passion, precision, and the vibrant energy that only Estudiantina can deliver.
Let the music transport you to the soul of Greece, where tradition meets artistry in perfect harmony.
When: Sunday March 30, Doors open 6.30pm, Showtime 7pm
Where: The Theatre, 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown 2200
Adelaide Fringe is a world-renowned, annual arts festival that celebrates culture, place and artists from across the globe.
Bringing thousands of independent artists far and wide to South Australia, Adelaide Fringe is a destination for culture seekers in search for a hive of activity.
There are several shows from Greeks throughout the festival and Greek related shows.
Tanya Gyzi is back after sell-out Adelaide Fringe seasons in 2023, ‘My Big Fat Single Greek Life!’ and 2024, ‘Fifty Shades of Greek’.
My Big Fat Single Greek Life 2 sees Tanya hilariously explore single life, family, and work, blending Aussie and Greek humour in a way that will have everyone in stitches.
A Migrant’s Son Desert Tour is an award winning, original musical cabaret exploring one of the most colourful times in Australian history: the arrival of the Greeks!
With a story that millions can relate to, critically acclaimed performer Michaela Burger pays tribute to her Greek migrant family and her father Luke, in a tale traversing 100 years from turn-of-the-century Russia to the Australian outback.
Greek Cypriot refugee singer-songwriter Loucas Loizou will be presenting several shows, including an intimate with some ballads from Greece, [Mikis Theodorakis, Manos Hatzidakis, K.Hatzis].
He’s also presenting his new one-man play, CASSANOVA IS MORE THAN JUST A LOVER, a unique tale of this real-to-life character Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798).
‘HOMER’S ODYSSEY – A Mini Musical’ sees Loizou perform the Odyssey in spoken word and songs.
George Zacharopoulos returns to Australia with 2025 Greek Comedian of the Year; The Butterfly Effect, and Mary Coustas presents Effie in UpYourselfness, and much more.
When & Where: Until March 23, Various venues across Adelaide
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