Victorian Premier calls for the return of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece

In a letter to British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan called for the immediate return of the stolen Parthenon Marbles to Greece.

Addressing thousands of Greeks on Saturday at the Antipodes Festival, Allan emphasised:

“It’s my absolute privilege to join you for the 37th Antipodes Festival, to celebrate Hellenic culture and history.

From Macedonia, to the shores of Cyprus, to here in Melbourne – Greece has shaped the world.

And her contribution is lasting.

Greece’s gifts to the globe include philosophy and science…

Art and architecture… And of course, the principles of democracy.

And her citizens – no matter where in the world they’re found – are proud, strong, courageous and resilient.

While your homeland may be far away, the spirit of your ancestors lives on in each and every one of you…

And in this great city that you have helped to build.

Greek contribution

Melbourne has, after all, been called Greece’s third largest city – outside Athens, and Thessaloniki.

Because whether you’re in Thornbury, Brunswick, Oakleigh, or Lonsdale Street, the power of Greek culture and Greek communities is plain to see.

Generations of Greek Victorians have come here to create a new life…

Often with nothing more than their hopes for a brighter future…

And their values of hard work and community.

Here, you’ve built homes…Started businesses… And raised families.

You’ve built a strong and proud Greek community…

And in doing so, you’ve helped build a strong and proud Victoria.

Because it’s your history, your culture, and your contribution that has helped make us who we are today.

That’s a message that deserves to be heard here on Lonsdale Street…

And a message that deserves to be heard at 1 Downing Street too.

Parthenon Marbles

That’s why today – I have written to the British Prime Minister –

And called for the return of the Parthenon Marbles.

This priceless treasure was stolen.

And it’s long past time it was given back.

Because the Marbles are more than an artefact – they are a precious part of Greece’s soul.

And they should be returned to her, to complete the majesty of the Parthenon.

I can’t wait to visit Greece – to see the Acropolis in all its glory…

To soak in all that incredible human history…

And – I hope – to see the Parthenon Marbles where they rightly belong.

But for now, I’ll have to make do with the beautiful replica here on Lonsdale Street.

It’s a tribute to Greek history… a tribute to Melbourne’s Greek history.

It’s why I want to finish today by saying thank you.

Thank you to every one of you – who has helped to make our state everything it is.

And thank you to one very special person.

Bill, thank you for your leadership, your passion, and your dedication to the incredible Greek community of Melbourne.”

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