Whether someone has trained their dog or not, it is certain that over the years, the dog will learn to associate a word with an activity or a reward. Some of the words they learn to recognize are often “food,” “play,” “cookie,” but of course, their favorite is “walk.”
The new trend on TikTok links the new song by Katerina Lioliou and Giannis Fakinos, titled “Me ‘Geia Sou,” with the reaction of dogs to the magical – for them – word “walk“, “volta” in Greek. Many, therefore, play the part of the song that says, “My love, with ‘geia sou,’ we’ll go wherever you want tonight, away from the lights of our city.”
And the reaction of the dogs is…epic, as most of them “catch” the word and get ecstatic, calling their owner to take them for a walk.
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