You’ve had a few days to listen to, digest, debate, and comment on the 12 songs competing to represent Greece at Eurovision 2025. And oh boy do y’all have opinions. With that in mind, it’s time to ask you once and for all: Who should win Greece’s national selection and sing at Eurovision 2025?
Poll: Who should win Greece’s national selection for Eurovision 2025?
Scrolling through our news post listing the acts, there was a great debate about whether this is a quality selection.
Poul was upbeat: “Greek final lineup and songs are good overall. Quite half of the songs are catchy and interesting. Then, it’s the vocals, performance and staging to decide the winner. Good luck, Greece! Good job!”
Kosey was slightly less enthusiastic: “I am getting 7/10 vibes from this selection. A few songs will do alright and possibly get a top 10, but nothing really stands out to me, indeed quite a few tracks felt a bit same-y, a bit more musical diversity would have been nice. There are also a couple of big misses unfortunately.”
A huge talking about is Klavdia. In the comments of our reaction video, there’s real pride among many Greek fans who think the song captures their musical traditions and culture like no other.
Alex said: “This song is Greece! The sound, the emotions, the tradition, the way that she delivers the song and of course the meaning… It’s about the unbreakable bond between the motherland and the estranged, the strength and the burden to be far away but never forget your roots.”
Writing on our web site, reader Whoisit warned that appealing to a domestic audience doesn’t always signal a strong act for Eurovision. They wrote: “The shock Greek Eurofans will get when Klavdia flops badly in Eurovision. Remember: your taste is really different than Europes. And then we ll get one more year of “you dont like greek songs”. Barbs, Xannova and Evangelia have much better chances in Eurovision.”
Philippa, a Eurovision fan in Italy, disagrees with that assessment. Writing under our YouTube reaction, she said: “Greece must send this masterpiece. She is an amazing singer with such a beautiful and emotional voice. From the first moment I heard it, she spoke deep into my soul. Good luck to klavdia from Italy.”
But what do YOU think? Vote in our poll below. You can vote for as many songs as you’d like, but you can only vote one time. Be sure to click the box next to every artist you want to support before pressing submit.