National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians Celebrates Church Music Sunday – Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Yesterday, October 6, 2024, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the National Forum of Church Musicians celebrated Church Music Sunday. Each year the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians set aside the first Sunday of October as a day to celebrate our rich history of liturgical music. This particular day follows the celebration of the Feast Day of St. Romanos the Melodist, one of the most prolific hymnographers of the Orthodox Church and Patron Saint of the National Forum. As we celebrate the memory of this great hymnographer, we take the opportunity to celebrate all those individuals who have worked so selflessly in our church music ministry.

We celebrate not only our choirs but all those who contribute to the musical experience of our parishes and elevate our liturgical experiences. This includes organists, composers, arrangers, chanters, Sunday Church School teachers, Greek School Teachers, and yes, our clergy and those communities whose congregations gather every Sunday to sing the Lord’s praises. Our thanks to all who work so tirelessly to preserve and perpetuate our sacred music.

You too can thank, celebrate and honor your church musicians in many ways. Please take a moment to visit the National Forum of Church Musicians website, which offers many ideas on how to celebrate Church Music Sunday and access the electronic copy of the annual poster offered as a gift to all our musicians and supporters.

The National Forum is a self-funded organization, and we depend on the generosity of our stewards and friends to continue current programs and develop new programs for our church musicians. Please take a moment to read through the brochure included in the website link for current offerings. They are also working diligently to develop a Church Music Directors Certification program, the first ever St. Romanos Church Music Festival for our youth (patterned after the very popular St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival), sponsoring church music ministry symposia and church music institutes, archiving and preserving historic liturgical compositions and setting many of those compositions to the official English translation and our Music for Young People project which will teach our youth liturgical music via an online process. These are just a few of the major projects the National Forum has undertaken as they continue to work on projects of a smaller scale, all intended to support our church music ministry volunteers. Church Music Sunday offers the perfect opportunity to support their work.

Photo: National Forum of Church Musicians.

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