Mock VCE exams and Rebetiko Night for GCM School seniors – The Greek Herald

On Tuesday, September 24, a lively event was held at the Greek Centre in Melbourne for the students of the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) Schools. The evening featured rebetiko music and Greek festivities to help prepare students for their upcoming VCE exams.

In preparation for the Greek oral examination, the GCM schools organised mock exams for the students. The event also included a delightful rebetiko night, as students had recently been studying rebetiko songs in their curriculum.

The evening was filled with delicious food, live music, and dancing, providing a wonderful opportunity for the 2022 graduates, who were also invited, to reunite with their peers and teachers.

The 2022 graduates shared their exam experiences with current students, as they had also been examined on the same topic.

The students and teachers worked together to create a vibrant and enjoyable atmosphere. Maria Bakalidou, Principal of the GCM Schools, emphasised the importance of taking an immersive approach to learning by combining the rebetiko night with the students’ theoretical exam preparation. She expressed joy in seeing past students thriving and remaining part of the school community. The GCM schools extend warm thanks to the musicians Argyris Argyropoulos, George Athanasopoulos, Thodoris Athanasopoulos, and Hristina Athanasopoulou for enriching the evening with their music and insights into the history of rebetiko

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