Khloé Kardashian, the renowned reality TV star, recently turned heads at the launch of her new fragrance, XO Khloé, in London. For the event, she chose a stunning gold gown from the Celia Kritharioti Couture collection.
The dazzling dress, adorned with intricate embroidery and handmade flowers, perfectly complemented Kardashian’s elegant and sophisticated style. This isn’t the first time the reality star has opted for a Celia Kritharioti creation. She has previously worn the designer’s gowns to prestigious events such as the Oscars and family Christmas parties.
Celia Kritharioti, a renowned Greek designer, has been making waves in the international fashion scene. Her designs have graced the red carpets of Hollywood and have been worn by numerous celebrities. The designer’s collaboration with Harrods has further solidified her global recognition.
Kardashian’s choice of a Celia Kritharioti gown for such a significant event highlights the growing influence of Greek fashion on the international stage.