Haris Alexiou stars in world premiere

A groundbreaking performance blending words and music inspired by the work of Saint Romanos the Melodist will make its world premiere in Nicosia this April. Presented by Nicosia For Art – the production team behind the Nicosia International Festival – this unique event marks the arrival of Easter and features a musical-theatrical stage reading by Haris Alexiou, Dimitra Stogianni and Zaharias Karounis.

At the Nicosia Municipal Theatre on April 7 and 8, He Who Dwells Everywhere narrates the events of Holy Week – from Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem to his crucifixion and resurrection. The performance unfolds in seven scenes and is enriched by six newly composed musical pieces by Thomas Konstantinou.

Through a blend of staged readings and evocative musical compositions, the production breathes new life into selected verses of Romanos, rendered into modern Greek through dramatised dialogues and narrations. The performers – both actors and musicians – become vessels for Romanos’ thoughts, giving voice to the eternal struggle of human free will as it wrestles with the choice between light and darkness.

The poetic rendering of Romanos’ texts into modern Greek for the first time by the late Archimandrite Ananias Koustenis (1945-2021) marks a moment of great significance for both Greek literature and global spiritual heritage. This translation not only makes Romanos’ profound messages accessible to contemporary audiences but does so with such fidelity that the original and its translation become nearly indistinguishable.

As Father Ananias Koustenis writes in his introduction: “Romanos is a revelation. Through the ages, he has ‘intoxicated’ many. A great master of words and a Saint of God. A man of love and humility. As we read his poems, we truly feel as if he takes us gently by the hand and leads us where he wishes – softly, tenderly. And we surrender ourselves to him, rejoicing in the journey. We partake in joys untouched by decay, and little by little, our very lives are transformed.”

That is not all the Nicosia International Festival has in store for spring, or April for that matter. Towards the middle of the month, it presents one more productions – Bam Boom – and prepares for more to follow later in the calendar year.

He Who Dwells Everywhere

World premiere of staged musical reading inspired by Saint Romanos the melodist. Featuring Haris Alexiou, Dimitra Stogianni, Zaharias Karounis and many other artists. Organized by Nicosia Municipality, Nicosia For Art. April 7-8. Nicosia Municipal Theatre, Nicosia. 8.30pm. In Greek. www.soldoutticketbox.com. Tel: 22-797979

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