Spanakopita – traditional Greek spinach pie that is made with crispy phyllo dough layers at the top and bottom, in between there is delicious spinach-cheese-herbs mixture. This savory pie recipe is super easy to make. This this is perfect for holidays, weekends, parties or any other occasion.
Full written and printable recipe:
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7-10 Phyllo (fillo) sheets, at room temperature
1/3-1/2 cup (80-120ml) Olive oil
2 pounds (900g) Spinach
1 Large onion, chopped
2-3 Spring onions, chopped
1/4 bunch Parsley, chopped
1/4 bunch Dill, chopped
12oz (340g) Feta cheese
12oz (340g) Ricotta cheese
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1/4 teaspoon Nutmeg
1 teaspoon Dried oregano
Lemon zest from one lemon
1. Preheat oven to 350F (180C).
2. Make the filling: in a large pan, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add chopped onion and sauté over medium heat until golden, add spinach and cook for 5-7 minutes, until the spinach is wilted.
3. Drain excess liquids and transfer to a large bowl. Crumble the feta cheese and ricotta cheese into the bowl, then add chopped spring onions, parsley, dill, lemon zest and spices. Mix until well combined and set aside.
4. Assembly: brush the bottom of a 9X13 inch (22X33cm) rectangle pan or 11-inch (28cm) round pan with olive oil. Take a sheet of pastry and place in the baking dish, that way so that some of the pastry hangs over the side. Brush with olive oil. Add 2-3 more sheets in the same manner, and brush them with olive oil between every layer.
5. Evenly spread the spinach and feta filling over the phyllo crust. Then, cover with 3 layers of phyllo, brushing with olive oil in between the layers. Fold the flaps or excess from the sides and brush the top layers with olive oil.
6. Using a very sharp knife cut the pie into rectangles or any other shape.
7. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown.
8. Allow to cool for 15 minutes before serving. Serve with fresh Greek salad:
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Don't forget leek! Perfect recipy.
Yum mushrooms😊😊😊😊
Love spinach pie how come you don't talk I can't see everything you put in that time vision impaired
Delicious, easy to cook, great recipe!!!….. Thank you😋
Wow, looks delicious! In my country… There is no such thing. Hmmm… Unless i make it. 😂❤
The noise music in the background is annoying and hard to watch… sorry but wish all the best for your channel ….. bye-bye ❤
What the hell is doing oregano and nutmeg in the spinach pie?
Dill and ricotta?? 🤔 Hmm
I’m gonna make it tonight have to do shopping now😂
Super Dish. Thanks
i am filipino and i was assist cook before in greek ship, I LOVE THESE RECIPE VERY MUCH. so much yummy and tasty
Do you have any idea where I can get a Phyllis dough…. I really love this recipe…. hit the comment bottom so I would know what store I can get it…. tnx….
Just put the casserole in the oven. I’ll come back and share my results.
Всем привет, еще один вариант от меня 😋
I like it
I like men who cook. Spinakopita is one of my favorite dishes.
Do Greek people get angry why Albanians cook better than them? Hahahaha
Things you don't need : ricotta cheese, oregano, and the nug whatever that is. You also need to add eggs
I love Greek food
Spanakopita in Greece.One of our fav
I just tried it it was delicious! I messed the shape up a little bit but who cares about the shape it was yummy that's what counts doesn't it?
Nothing greek about it
Its Turkish borek
From Greece with 💝 bravo…….👏👏👏👏👏 and thanks for the advertising 💝
Это не спанакопита, а пародия на неё. Каша какая то.
00:26 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva.
00:29 1 cebolla cortada en trozos.
00:32 Saltear a fuego medio hasta que se dore.
00:40 2 libras (900g) de espinaca.
00:50 Cocinar por 5-7 minutos hasta que la espinaca se ablande.
01:00 Drenar el exceso de líquido.
01:15 Transferirla a un recipiente grande.
01:18 1/4 manojo de perejil picado.
01:26 1/4 manojo de eneldo picado.
01:36 2-3 cebolletas picadas.
01:47 12 onzas (340g) de queso feta desmenuzado.
01:59 12 onzas (340g) de queso ricotta desmenuzado.
02:10 Ralladura de un limón.
02:16 Sal al gusto.
02:19 Pimienta negra al gusto.
02:23 1 cucharadita de orégano.
02:26 1/4 cucharadita de nuez moscada.
02:33 Mezclar hasta que quede bien combinado.
02:50 Con una brocha esparcir aceite de oliva en la base y en los lados del recipiente para hornear.
02:58 Poner 3-4 capas de masa de hojaldre a temperatura ambiente.
03:06 Pincelar aceite de oliva entre las capas.
03:43 Esparcir uniformemente el relleno de espinaca.
03:51 Cubrir con 3 capas de masa de hojaldre.
03:56 Pincelar aceite de oliva.
04:25 Pincelar aceite de oliva.
04:34 Corte el pie en rectángulos o de otra forma.
04:55 Hornear a 350ºF (180ºC) por 40-45 minutos o hasta que se dore.
You need to be awarded a metal for this BEAUTIFUL, STUNNING AND SILENT VIDEO! 😛 💜 😍 New subscriber 🥇
You can also have greek yogurt as a dip with the spanakopita!
I know, it's very tasty. 🤩
But haven't you forgotten to put eggs and a teaspoon of flour in the composition of greens?
مطبق مالح .. اكلة عربية قديمة 😍
Looks great. Why cut the pie before baking it?
Mery good..
love the music!
I love spanikopita 🤤
As a Greek I would like to add a few tips for anyone making spanakopita. It is truly not necessary to saute your scallions or leeks and spinach before hand. I promise you will not see a difference and save time. Please add your feta before you add your salt. Ricotta is a nice addition perhaps but not an original ingredient in spinach pie. Once you score it before baking and adding some oil on top, sprinkle water over the phyllo. It will help keep it compact and prevent it from popping up. Enjoy.
Excellent meal for all
I made this today but I would definitely recommend not using dill as it’s very overpowering 😣
i am Greek to and i have to say my mom dosent boil the spinach cause once you do this you loose all the flavor…😃😎
Deve ser tão bom , como voces estão?
Thanks DEAR Friend