Video of Greek Islands Diggy’s Adventure, 3rd location of the Odyssey of Ordinary People event.
Complete walkthrough of diggy’s adventure greek islands showing all puzzle solutions, treasure parts and hidden bonuses.
In Greek Islands, we have to find the exact location of the trident. Diggy needs to climb upto the clouds thrice and activate the statues there and after a final mirror puzzle, we get the hint about the Trident’s location.
0:00 – Find clue about the trident’s location.
1:55 – Check the surrounding isles.
4:31 – Activate the statue in the clouds.
5:00 – Go to 2nd island.
6:59 – Place the 2 stones on the marks.
8:06 – Activate 2nd statue.
8:50 – Go to the 3rd and last island.
9:22 – Three photos for albums in the houses.
10:54 – Bring wine from the cellar.
12:19 – Final statue.
13:10 – Treasure Part.
15:50 – Return to the main island.
18:50 – Use mirrors to activate the 2 receivers.
19:28 – Go into the boat.
20:04 – Reached entrance of the place, quest complete.
Greek Islands Quest Details:
Looking For Trident.
1. Find Where The Trident Is.
Energy needed for completely clearing greek islands:
Egypt: 7,070 Energy
Scandinavia: 45,862 Energy
China: 126,650 Energy
Atlantis: 257,340 Energy
Greece: 453,830 Energy
New World: 655,370 Energy
Terra: 809,375 Energy
Mars: 983,380 Energy
Mine contains 715 tiles and 4 broken tridents.
Odyssey of Ordinary People video links:
1. Collector’s Manor:
2. Diver’s Harbor:
3. Greek Islands:
Odyssey of Ordinary People playlist:
Subscribe for more such diggy’s adventure videos every event. 😃
Thank you Kris H, 12369ja and others for being a member of Abhi Gaming.
#GreekIslands #OdysseyOfOrdinaryPeople #DiggysAdventure #Diggy
Thank you so much! Your walk thrus have saved my sanity sooo many times! Lol😂❤
Thank you was stuck at the laser mirror part near the end. Got the yellow laser – the green one gave me a headache!
dank je wel voor je hulp😀