Greece’s current account surplus narrowed to €1.02 billion in January 2025, from €1.8 billion in the corresponding month a year ago.
The goods deficit widened to €2.91 billion from €2.66 billion, as imports (4.8%) outpaced exports (1.8%).
Meanwhile, the services surplus declined to €0.252 billion from €0.453 billion, mainly due to a deterioration in other services and, to a lesser extent, the travel balance.
The primary income surplus also fell to €0.4 billion from €0.464 billion, reflecting lower net interest, dividend, and profit receipts, along with a decline in other primary income.
At the same time, the secondary income surplus narrowed to €3.27 billion from €3.54 billion, as the general government posted net payments instead of net receipts, while other sectors of the economy (excluding the government) saw lower net receipts.