Greece aluminium producer Metlen receives European recognition

Greek aluminium producer Metlen has been recognised by the European Commission as a Strategic Project.

European Commission, Executive Vice President Mr. Stéphane Séjourné, visited Metlen’s Aluminium of Greece plant in Agios Nikolaos, Viotia, central Greece, to mark its inclusion in the EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) list.

The inclusion of Metlen’s integrated project – encompassing bauxite mining, alumina plant expansion, and annual production of 50 MT of gallium – in the list of 47 Strategic Projects of the CRMA (from 170 candidates) underscored the significance of these materials for European industrial self-sufficiency and supply security

The company said this recognition marks a milestone for European metallurgy and Greece‘s mining activities.

It is the only project that enhances Europe’s strategic autonomy in bauxite, alumina, aluminium and gallium—all recognised as critical raw materials.

Mr. Séjourné stated: “This new production line was chosen because it will cover 30% of European production needs.

“Greece can play a vital role in critical raw materials, positively impacting local employment and wealth creation.

“Currently, Europe depends 98% on imports outside the continent for gallium and 87% for alumina.

“Meeting 30% of aluminium needs is significant amid geopolitical tensions globally. It benefits both Europe and Greece, and I thank the Greek Government and the team here at the European Commission for working on this project.”

Mr. Evangelos Mytilineos, Chairman and CEO of Metlen, stated: “I want to emphasise the fact that this plant is always on the innovation side, at the forefront of sustainability and competitiveness.

“But competitiveness for a metallurgical plant in Europe means energy. Energy is an issue that has not yet received the attention it deserves from the Commission.

“Therefore, with your presence here I ask you to use your power and influence to change the Commission’s mindset and transform the industry.”

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