DIRTY SOUND MAGNET on RockOverdose: “Our musical journey is defined by passion.” | Rock Overdose / Rock

With an impressive track record of over 500 shows throughout Europe, UK, and Mexico, three studio albums, and a captivating live record since 2017, Switzerland’s DIRTY SOUND MAGNET is an unstoppable, unbreakable force of rock. The uniqueness of their mesmerising music and kinetic live performances has won audiences the world over. Their show is unpredictable; shamanic stage presence, rock star charisma, instrumental prowess, poetic vocals, tantalising dynamics. 


Few days before their first visit to Greece for some shows around the country – their vocalist/guitarist Stavros Dzodzos (who has greek origins) answers our questions and invites us to their unexpected universe!


Expect the unexpected. 



Linktree: linktr.ee/dirtysoundmagnet
Website: dirtysoundmagnet.com
Facebook: facebook.com/dirtysoundmagnet
Instagram: instagram.com/dirtysoundmagnet
Twitter: twitter.com/DSMBand
Spotify: DSMSpotify
YouTube: DirtySoundMagnetYT


RockOverdose: Hello and welcome to Rock Overdose.gr! Since this is the first time interviewing you, I’d like to ask you how would you describe your musical journey and what inspired you to pursue a career in music?


DIRTY SOUND MAGNET: Since my baby years, music has always moved me. At home, there was Greek music (my dad being greek), Hungarian music (my mom) and a lot of good rock (both). When I picked up the guitar at age 15 I knew the day after that this is it.


I met Marco and Maxime and we quickly took things very seriously. We played hours every day and decided that our lives would have no plan B. Our musical journey is defined by passion. We started playing together as teenagers and have sticked together for almost 20 years now. It is something pretty rare and beautiful.


RockOverdose: Since your first album to the most recent one. How would you compare yourselves in terms of creativity? Does your process and your evolution as a band over the years changed you, and if so, in what ways?


DIRTY SOUND MAGNET: In our music there is a form of conceptual continuity (a term coined by Frank Zappa). I see our discography as something fluid. We learn a lot on the way but it’s rather a matter of production. There are actually songs on our latest record that are older than songs from our first record. I keep writing a lot of music and we play and re-arrange them together constantly. As music should be the expression of one’s deepest self, I believe that the essence stays the same. I love the songs written years ago, sometimes I struggle with how we produced certain things. But that is a lesser problem I believe.

The music and our skills keep evolving but the vision and the ethos stay the same.


RockOverdose: You tour very often, this run of concerts pretty much keep you busy all the time, but how easy is it for a band to pull off such a tough schedule those days?


DIRTY SOUND MAGNET: It’s hard. Especially since we’ve extended our set to 2.5 hours. The driving, the heavy gear to carry every night, the soundcheck and the show itself is a lot of work. In addition to that, management, marketing, social media work and accounting take most of our time. We work on the road and in hotel rooms after the shows late at night.

We’re played around 40 shows in 2025 already, and we’re feeling exhausted. But every night we give our best. We have to eat well and stay sober in order to keep the body healthy.

RockOverdose: This will be your first time in Greece, for a mini headline tour across the country. What should we expect from your performances and what are your expectations from the greek audiences?


DIRTY SOUND MAGNET: Well the greek audience should expect the unexpected. Our set is eclectic and every song has a different vibe. It’s a 2 hours long journey that goes many places. It’s all about contrast. Soft vs hard, light vs shade, loud vs silence, etc.

As greeks have music deeply embedded in their culture I expect them to understand the dynamics of our music and to share our emotions.



RockOverdose: Since you have greek origins, have you ever thought of blending different cultural elements into your music? e.g. Greek music has some beautiful traditional instruments … Can you imagine how they’d fit into your sound?


DIRTY SOUND MAGNET: I’m already using a bouzouki on some songs. I love greek traditional music and have grown up with it.

RockOverdose: What are you willing to do to be established furthermore in the future and what should your fans know as the primary goal of the band in the years to come?


DIRTY SOUND MAGNET: The goal is to be able to do this until our old years. We love music and everything around it. Health and passion is what matters the most. We’re hoping to see our fans again and again, year after year.


RockOverdose: We’re looking forward for your shows in Greece! Take care of yourselves!



On behalf of RockOverdose,

Vivi Zapantiotou


Δευτέρα, Μαρτίου 24, 2025
Τρίτη, Μαρτίου 25, 2025
Τετάρτη, Μαρτίου 26, 2025
Πέμπτη, Μαρτίου 27, 2025
Παρασκευή, Μαρτίου 28, 2025
Σάββατο, Μαρτίου 29, 2025



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