Archbishop Elpidophoros Visits St. Nicholas Cathedral in Pittsburgh – Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

On Sunday, October 6, 2024, faithful gathered at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Pittsburgh for the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, with His Eminence Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh and Bishop Joachim of Amissos. The hierarchs were joyfully welcomed by Fr. Eleftherios Constantine, Cathedral Dean, who has been the priest of the community since July 2023.  Prior to his appointment at St. Nicholas Cathedral, Fr. Constantine served as the Director of the Office of Archbishop Elpidophoros and before that as Archdeacon and Deacon to the current and former Archbishops at the Archdiocese headquarters in New York City. 

In his Homily for the Third Sunday of Luke, Archbishop Elpidphoros stated, “My beloved Christians of this glorious Cathedral: Take pride in your history and your foundations of faith. Know that your life is precious in the sight of God, and that even the inexorable end of life is not the final goal. And may the prayers of the Holy Theotokos, whose image we see today in the Widow of Ναΐν, strengthen and fortify you for the journey of this life and beyond into the everlasting habitations of Heaven.”

In his remarks, Metropolitan Savas thanked the Archbishop for celebrating  the inspiring service, stating that, “It is a joy to welcome you to this, my Cathedral, St. Nicholas in Pittsburgh.” The Metropolitan also spoke about the historical importance and significance of the St. Nicholas community, the senior community of the Metropolis, which celebrated its 115th year, and which will remain as the Cathedral of the Metropolis.  He also welcomed those who have come a distance to celebrate this Divine Liturgy, the chanters and the choir of young people who have gathered from the nearby universities to bring their talents to the parish. 

At the conclusion of the Hierarchical Liturgy, Archbishop Elpidophoros offered a blessing for chanting over Cathedral protopsaltria Amy Hogg.  
Following the Divine Liturgy the “Vlachokerasiotes”, (members of the community from the village of Vlahokerasia – near Tripoli, Greece) prepared a delicious lunch of their local legendary makaronada for all the faithful.  Following lunch, the GOYAns entertained the guests with performed a selection of festive folk dances, and the youth choir chanted hymns. After a wonderful lunch, the Archbishop and Metropolitan visited the current Metropolis headquarters.  

Photos: GOARCH/Dimitrios Panagos

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