Apr 6 | Explore the Rich Tapestry of Greek Music

Bayside Historical Society welcomes back the Kostas Psarros Ensemble, who will take you on a journey through the rich and diverse music of Greece — a country where, geographically and musically, East meets West. You will get introduced to the different colors, odd and dancing rhythms, and beautiful melodies and harmonies of folk/traditional music of Greece and also how different types of music from different cultures were adopted and mixed in with some Greek music.

Kostas Psarros Ensemble:

  • Kostas Psarros — bouzouki, vocals
  • Glafkos Kontemeniotis — keyboard
  • Renos Efthimiou — percussion

Light refreshments will be served. Get more details about the artists and purchase your tickets at baysidehistorical.org/events.

This event is part of Bayside Historical Society’s “Passport Concert Series: Bringing Cultures from Around the World to the Castle at Bayside.” Visit our website for our ongoing concert schedule.

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