Heavy Psych Sounds
Release Date – March 14th 2025
Line Up:
Argy – Vocals
Tolios Motsios – Guitar
Andreas Lagios – Bass
Dinos Roulos – Drums
Heavy Trippin’
Return From The Point Of No Return
Shipwrecked Powder Monkey
Shallow Grave
Falling Inside
Flying Mode
Ladies and gentlemen, may I please welcome you back to the 70s as Nightstalker activate the time machine and take us back to a simpler time. Although the images may be sepia colored now, the sounds are just as vibrant and cool. Oozing out of Greece, a place I visited in the early 70s, they remain as unspoilt as the country was then.
Opening with a solid kick-ass stoner groove, “Dust” rocks and rolls over singer Argy’s mournful Ozzy-like pipes. Oh yeah and both guitarist Tolis Motsios and bass player Andreas Lagios channel Iommi and Butler perfectly as they mirror the riffs. “Heavy Trippin’” brings a huge slice of psych that is surrounded by thick blue sickly-sweet smoke and reeking of patchouli, but that just seemed to inspire Motsios to give us a mighty lead break. Those fluid fingers of Lagios lay it down on the intro to “Uncut” as Motsios joins the fun and drummer Dinos Roulos comes in for shits and giggles and off they go on a rattling groove as Argy wails above it all. It’s a lazier groove on the title track and Argy has some fun with his reverb drenched vocals whilst Motsios plays with his pedal board and the rhythm section keep it locked down. “Shipwrecked Powder Monkey” eases back on the throttle with a dreamy guitar line, as Motsios stamps on the gain pedal and we’re off on a sludgy, doomy groove that flows through movements and passages that end in a huge climax. Lagios lets those fingers do the talking on “Shallow Grave” with a simple bass line, as Motsios kicks his wah-wah pedal into life. It’s slow and easy with a relaxed vocal and you can just close your eyes and absorb the bluesy lines coming your way as it builds and builds then ends with a fine crescendo before the poppier “Falling Inside“. It’s back to the heavy psych on final number “Flying Mode“. Climb aboard and let these guys take you on a kaleidoscopic journey through space and time.
I cannot tell you just how good this is. Nothing fancy, although Tolis Motsios knows his way around a fretboard all his lines complement the song, and he doesn’t go off on his own. If you like Black Sabbath, Trouble and anything in the stoner genre you will definitely dig this – a lot!
Written by: Smudge
Ratings: 9/10
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