Approaches to Ancient Music | Faculty of Music

All lectures are free to attend.

We are excited to announce the inaugural seminar series of Ancient Music at Oxford, Approaches to Ancient Greek Music. This seminar explores the reconstruction and reimagination of ancient Greek music and brings together different approaches to this topic that have been traditionally separated by disciplinary boundaries. This seminar aims to increase the accessibility of a highly specialised subject, and draws on a multidisciplinary and international range of expertise. Please direct any questions to or





Week 1

21 January

An Introduction to Ancient Greek Music

Armand D’Angour (Jesus College)

Should we try to hear Ancient Greek music?

Week 2

28 January

Approaches to Melodic Patterns Preserved in Pitch Accents

Thyra-Lilja Altunin (Brasenose College)

“Sing, Oh Muse”: On the Path of Reconstructing the Melodic Patterns of Ancient Greek Poetic Songs 


Anna Conser (University of Cincinnati)

A Deadly Marriage Hymn: The Musical Design of Medea Stasimon 4

Week 3

4 February

Music on the Ancient Stage

Maggie Tighe (Christ Church College)

The New Music of Euripides’ Hypsipyle 


Topher Colby (Jesus College)

Rhythm and Metre in Homer

Week 4

11 February

Ancient Musical Philosophy: Plato to Boethius

Belle Rockett (New College)

Music as Medicine: The Pharmacological Effects of Audible Music in the Ancient World

Andrew Hicks (Cornell University)


Week 5

18 February

The Oxyrhynchus Musical Papyri and their Context

Amin Benaissa (Christ Church College)

Musical and Performance Culture in Oxyrhynchus


Cara Nicol (Jesus College)

Melodic Pitch Accentual Conformity in the Oxyrhynchus Musical Papyri

Week 6

25 February


John Franklin (University of Vermont)

How to Read Ancient Greek Music Notation

Week 7

4 March

Composition and the Reception of Ancient Musical Traditions

Alex Silverman (Jesus College)

Mime, metre, music: interpreting and performing the dochmiacs of the Fragmentum Grenfellianum


Felipe Aguirre Quintero (Conservatorio Superior de Música de las Islas Baleares)

A Reconstruction of the Concept of ἑρμηνεία in Ancient Greek Music 

Week 8

11 March

Archaeomusicology and Performance on Ancient Instruments

Callum Armstrong 



Barnaby Brown (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland)

Rhythms of Tongue and Toe: Engaging with the conceptions of ancient grammarians and how this impacts aulos-led song-dance


Stefan Hagel (Austrian Academy of Sciences)


11-12 March


Workshop in Collaboration with Lotos Lab

Barnaby Brown

Make Your Own Classical Aulos

12 March


The seminar will conclude with a performance in which we showcase the musical results of our approaches to resuscitating elements of ancient music. In this recital we will exhibit a variety of types of music and a range of sounds which will include performances of surviving fragments, attempts at authentic reconstruction of the music, poetic musical text, and diverse new compositions and recompositions that take inspiration from the ancient musical traditions.


NB Location: Jesus College Ship Street Centre Lecture Theatre. This is not at the main Jesus College site, but can be found here:

The Week 8 lectures will be held in the Buchanan Tower Room and the recital in the Jesus College Chapel.

Both of these can be found by asking at the Jesus College Porters Lodge.

Also livestreamed on Zoom at:

Meeting ID: 876 5171 7393
Passcode: 038170

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