Brazil world leading producer and exporter of rare mineral Niobium — MercoPress

Brazil world leading producer and exporter of rare mineral Niobium

Monday, October 7th 2024 – 09:18 UTC

Niobium, Nb, was initially discovered in 1801 by English chemist, Charles Hatchett discovered the chemical element niobium, but initially identified as columbium.
Niobium, Nb, was initially discovered in 1801 by English chemist, Charles Hatchett discovered the chemical element niobium, but initially identified as columbium.

Niobium, a rare mineral primarily used to improve steel alloys, and of which Brazil is the world’s main producer has seen prices relatively stable. Last year Brazil exported some 90% of its production, 86,3 thousand tons, equal to US$ 2,25 billion.

Niobium is primarily found in carbonatite complexes, alkaline rock formations rich in carbonates, phosphates, silicates, and possibly niobium minerals. Niobium, is listed as a rare metal with high strategic value, primarily used in steel alloys to improve strength, lightness, and energy efficiency. Its applications include superconductors, the aerospace industry, electronics, and medicine, among others. In Brazil it is mined mainly in the states of Minas Gerais, Amazonas, Goias, Rondonia and Paraiba.

Niobium, Nb, was initially discovered in 1801 by English chemist, Charles Hatchett discovered the chemical element niobium, but initially identified as columbium.

Niobium possesses chemical and physical characteristics similar to tantalum, another element with which it often coexists. This similarity led to confusion until 1865 when the distinction between the two elements was definitively established.

The name “niobium” is inspired by Niobe, a character from Greek mythology, the daughter of King Tantalus.

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