VIDEO | Fighting for life: The famous Greek singer Marinela suffered a stroke at a concert

The famous Greek singer Marinela (86) is fighting for his life after last night during the concert passed out on stage.

According to local media, the grande dame of greek folk music has a brain bleed and is in critical condition.

Marinella was taken to the hospital after the fall. The disturbing scene happened right after the start of the concert when she sang the chorus of one of her biggest hits “Me and You”.

“And you, my God, taught us to love so much”, reads the line after which Marinella collapsed on stage.

The musicians immediately ran to help, while the audience silently watched what was happening. The concert was immediately stopped. One of the eyewitnesses told the Greek media that Marinela did not look well when she stood on the stage and that she had lost her sight.

Kyriaki Papadopoulou, known by the stage name Marinella, released his first song in 1957, and has recorded 66 albums so far.

She participated in Eurovision in 1974.

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