4th annual Greek Night dates announced, tickets on sale next week – DiscoverMooseJaw.com

Members of the Downtown Moose Jaw Association (DMJA) and Tourism Moose Jaw (TMJ) joined Country100’s Courtney Fielder for a big announcement yesterday — the date is confirmed for the fourth annual Greek Night. 

“It is on Saturday, May 10th, and we’re announcing it today and starting ticket sales a week from today,” said John Iatridis, owner of the Mad Greek Restaurant and vice-chair of the DMJA. 

Greek Night started in 2021 when Iatridis pitched the idea to the DMJA. They immediately ran with the plan, and four years later the event is already legendary, typically selling out fast. 

Last year’s Greek Night featured a menu created by Iatridis and his staff, live music by Canadian-Greek band Arkadia, emcee’ing by former CBC News anchor Costa Maragos, dance performances by groups including the Daughters of Penelope Hellenic Dancers, and thousands of dollars’ worth of donated auction items which helped to raise money for the beautification of downtown Moose Jaw.

The grand prize was a $7,500 travel voucher to Marlin Travel for a vacation in Greece herself. 

 Jacki L'Heureux-Mason, John Iatridis, and Donna Fritzke visit Discover Moose Jaw to announce the dates for the 4th annual Greek Night Jacki L’Heureux-Mason, John Iatridis, and Donna Fritzke visit Discover Moose Jaw to announce the dates for the 4th annual Greek Night

“This is my favourite event of the year,” said Jacki L’Heureux-Mason, a DMJA board member who has been involved with Greek Night from the start. 

“No shade to the other things I’ve been involved with, but this one is a lot of fun. It has a focus on some of my favourite things — family, friends, food — and one of the best cultures to hang out with for the night.  

“It’s really built into something that people look forward to. There’s music and dancing, and everybody’s favourite, plate smashing.” 

Donna Fritzke, who recently took over as executive director of Tourism Moose Jaw, noted she is the “newbie” on the Greek Night team, but said she’s been impressed so far and can’t wait for the big night. 

“We would love to have as many people as we can to attend. These guys have done a great job, like, I’m the newbie on the team, so it’s just been a lot of fun to learn more about tourism and the downtown association and all the work that they do in our community,” Fritzke said. 

“It’s amazing the amount of work that goes into (Greek Night), and all these guys volunteer. We’re looking forward to it.” 

“You can get the tickets at the Tourism Centre, or online through tourismmoosejaw.com,” Iatridis added. 

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